American Lifestyle Magazine: Digital Edition

When I started at ReminderMedia, "American Lifestyle" was only a print magazine. With my Micro-Service Architecture, we built multiple APIs and services that created a full digital version of the print. We used Laravel for the services and October CMS with some heavy modifications to get the beautiful layout mechanic seen in the product to this day.

About the Projects

As the lead PHP Architect, I designed 7 micro-services that each used JWT tokens and interacted with each other via REST APIs. These services are the backbone used by the October CMS to power the Digital Edition Magazine used by thousands of realtors every month!

  • Date

    Feb 2016 - May 2018

Full Control and Customazation

The Digital Edition Settings allowed you to choose from a variety of Covers, Recipes, Logos, Headshots, and many other items.

Enhanced Interactions

Because each page is a full JavaScript item, we could add things like interactive quizzes and other special features like downloadable PDFs.

Digital Marketing In One Place

The Digital Edition was a product that was sent to the Realtors' mailing list. The Micro-Services allowed us to build a functional CRM and digital email platform that could be used like AWeber or MailChimp.